Aug 20, 2008

When Water Ballet Meets Finance Entertainment

Big week for synchronized swimming at the Olympics. In honor of the great women of this (breath taking) sport we want to spotlight one of our tournaments: the double-up. Basically a Double Up tournament means there’s a 50% chance to win and double your money!

Synchronized swimming originated in the early 1900s in Canada, and almost exclusively performed by women. It requires great water skills and incredible strength, endurance, flexibility, grace, accurate timing, and excellent breath control.
Similar to the ideal characteristics of a great stock market trader, right?Well, maybe minus the excellent breathing control… ☺

Synchronized swimming is a fusion of swimming, gymnastics, and dance, while UMOO’s fantasy stock trading is a fusion of trading, gaming and fun.

In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, there are 205 countries scheduled to compete and for each country many teams compete for all kinds of sports. To reach this momentous occasion in synchronized swimming, teams competed in qualifying tournaments in which the top three (3) teams automatically advanced to play @ the Olympic Games. So, in order for the team from Russia for example, to win and get to the Olympics, the only thing they need to accomplish is being one of the top three positions, which of the three has no significance.

This is very similar to how u can win in our double-up tournament. But with Double Up tournaments the odds are even more in your favor. The only thing U need to do is make sure your portfolio ranks above 50% of the players in the same tournament. So you’ve definitely got a great chance to win folks! If Anastasia Davydova (the defending Olympic and world championis) were a trader do you think she should grab more Microsoft or Apple stocks to win our Double Up tournament?

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, love the blog and the intro video, always nice to have a face to the name!

Anonymous said...

Did you guys saw this: